After a sale is made the Rep typically rings the bell, high fives a colleague and then focuses on the next deal. What is often left on the table is the opportunity cost of maximizing that transaction and customer experience. Reaching out to the customer after the purchase is helpful to address the following:
- How is the product working for them?
- Quickly address any challenges or concerns.
- How often are they using the product?
- Educate them on all of the recommended use cases.
- Increase Quality of Patient Care!
- What additional training or enablement can you provide?
- Gauge their customer satisfaction.
- Increase Quality of Patient Care!
How Medical Device Marketing Departments can Increase Post-Sale Revenue
This is a quick hitting opportunity for Marketing to make a contribution to revenue generation! Depending on how big of a bag the rep is carrying or how extensive their territory is, they likely won't have the ability or time to devote to this post-sale activity. That's when marketing comes to the rescue!
Now that you're excited to get started, (from what we've seen) this will be your initial hurdle:
- Our Sales Rep didn't add the contact details into the CRM
- The Distributor just provides a tracing report on which account purchased a particular product.
Step-One is identifying contacts responsible for purchase and contacts responsible for training. It's an easy process but it can be time consuming, since it's a manual process to put the puzzle pieces together.
Step-Two is making sure that you're armed with content around awareness, recommended use cases, training, etc. Content that can be used as a leave behind or a webpage(s) that you can direct them to. In addition to calling to hear the voice of your customer, it is also helpful to send e-mails or other communication mediums to ensure that you're interacting with them in multiple ways to expand your reach rates. Also some customers have preferences for how you interact with them.
Step-Three is making sure that you have a routing matrix defined to address any issues, concerns, education or training requirements that come out of your customer interactions. It is imperative to act swiftly and promptly to any customer experience situations. Depending upon the issue or need, it may be various departments or functional roles that need to be deployed.
Step-Four is making sure that you are leveraging your marketing technology as in CRM and Marketing Automation Platforms. Establish Service Level Agreements with internal resources to respond to a situation within a specific amount of time. Setting up a series of emails to continue the dialogue in an automated fashion. Logging and tracking activity and SLA's to ensure a prompt resolution. Reporting and tracking increases in revenues, consumable purchases, etc.
Step-Five is to begin the customer outreach effort and ready your identified support personnel to address any customer needs that may result from this effort.
If any of this sounds familiar or if you have any particular challenges across any of these topics, please contact us. We can help.