Channel Marketing Solutions

Channel Solutions to Optimize Your Investment

Our work for channel organizations involves planning, developing, and managing their strategy execution. HBL Power assists in the development of channel strategy and helps to implement channel support programs that deliver results.

Our experience helps us bring your campaigns to market with ease. From sign-up and onboarding to plan execution and reporting, our team of marketing professionals knows what makes channel marketing programs unique. We help our clients with a range of channel sales and marketing activities through our agile marketing methodology.

B2B Demand Generation and Outbound Marketing

We understand how businesses work with other businesses. The B2B world is our core focus as an organization. Our teams understand the B2B landscape and the intricacies of sales cycles. We work hard to uncover qualified leads on your behalf through:


Our Business Development Team members make thousands of calls every day to generate, nurture, and progress leads. They work hard to verify and facilitate client conference calls, develop business intelligence, and expand contact lists. We understand the value of the human connection in business, and our Business Development teams make sure to represent our clients with a high level of professionalism.

Learn more about our lead-generating telemarketing services.

Email Marketing

Targeted email marketing can help you win new business from existing clients. It can also help you progress and nurture prospects with enticing messages that are geared toward their buyer personas. HBL Power's creative team understands email. Our design and development teams know how to build email content that is visually impressive. Our team of copywriters takes pride in crafting copy that is compelling and on-message.

Inbound Marketing: A Smart Lead-Generation Idea

The foundation for great inbound marketing is an optimized digital presence. HBL Power knows that online marketing requires an array of skills, from technical to creative. Our creative team works to help you develop your plan, our designers build out the vision, and then our web developers make that vision a digital reality.

Website Development

Your website is the digital billboard that tells the world who you are. It is the hub for your digital content. We develop mobile-friendly, easy-to-navigate websites for channel partners.

From start to finish, HBL Power handles the planning, design, development, and optimization of your website. We even offer hosting and yearly maintenance services. Unlike many web development firms, we also provide copywriting services so that your site content is targeted, relevant, and well-written.

Read more about our web design process.

Search Engine Optimization

If a great website is never found in search, is it really that great? For many channel partners, SEO is a confusing game where the rules are constantly changing. That is why we have a team of experts that is devoted to the topic. Your website should be more than an online business card. It should be built in a way that attracts new visitors from search engines.

HBL Power's SEO experts work with clients to analyze, build, and optimize digital content so that it can be found in search.

Reach out to us today and ask about an SEO audit of your current website.

Content Creation

Many of the B2B channel partners we work with lack original branded content. While they have access to thousands of pages of partner collateral, they lack compelling content that tells the story of what makes their brand unique.

HBL Power works with channel partners to build digital content that is persona-targeted, compelling, and visually appealing. We handle all aspects, from concept and design to copy and distribution, of:

  • eBooks
  • B2B Case Studies
  • White Papers
  • Sell Sheets
  • Infographics
  • Video

Landing Page Development and Optimization

Having landing pages that house your content and assist in conversions is critical for a successful inbound marketing strategy. Many channel partners settle for a contact us/form page as the only conversion opportunity on their website.

HBL Power goes beyond the form to create landing pages that are purpose-built for achieving your desired results. If you're looking for more form conversions and content downloads, well-designed landing pages are a requirement in today's digital marketing world.

Social Media Management

For many channel partners, social media is an afterthought. It can no longer be this way. A social media presence is a must-have. Having a social media strategy that integrates with your business plans should be included in any modern marketing budget.

Our team helps channel partners develop a social media presence and manage their social channels. We know that social media is one of the best ways to promote digital content and engage with customers and prospects. Our team of B2B social media marketing experts understands the mechanics of today's top social media sites. They share that know-how with our clients so that companies can make the most of their social media presence.

B2B Digital Advertising

The paid amplification of B2B marketing content and offers helps get an organization's content out to a wider audience. HBL Power's status as a Certified Google Partner means your channel organization can trust us to build and manage AdWords, Google Display, and remarketing campaigns that meet your company's goals.

HBL Power's social media advertising specialists help you to promote your content and offers on social media channels such as LinkedIn. Using B2B targeting options, we can help you get your content in front of extremely narrow sets and subsets of your ideal customer.

Marketing Support Services

Our deep experience in the B2B channel gives us a unique perspective on the industry. Our team sits at the intersection of inbound and outbound marketing. We maintain a team of solution area experts that can support a wide range of channel sales and marketing needs.

B2B Channel Strategy

We work to help create and refine channel marketing strategies. Co-marketing deployment is our specialty. We help organizations develop an optimal partner profile and then play a role in the staging, launch, and execution of the channel plan. From partner recruitment and training to enablement and execution, we cover the channel from end-to-end.

Pipeline Management

The development of thousands of leads requires proper lead tracking. HBL Power can provide lead entry and tracking so that both channel organizations and partners can keep tabs on their pipeline. If you're looking for help maintaining your current CRM or if you need to build a new pipeline management process, we can help.

B2B List Procurement and Development

Many organizations lack focused outbound marketing activities because they don't have targeted lists to use for their efforts. We help advise channel organizations on their list needs based on their target demographics and business goals.

We also help to procure, develop, and maintain B2B prospect lists. By working with a trusted network of list brokers, we help channel partners market more effectively.

Channel partners, especially in the technology space, need more than just traditional B2B targeting parameters such as company size and contact title. Our partnerships with some of the top technology list brokers give us access to technology install data that is vital to many channel partners.

Marketing Consultation

Our team of B2B sales and marketing professionals can offer consultation and training on a wide range of topics. We pride ourselves on being industry experts who sit at the intersection of inbound and outbound marketing.

Our subject matter experts don't just help guide our own internal marketing and sales efforts. They also work directly on many of our client campaigns. We offer the following consultations and evaluations:

  • B2B Channel Strategy Consultation
  • Sales Enablement Consultation
  • Social Media Consultation
  • Search Engine Optimization Consultation
  • Content and Website Audits
  • Digital User Experience Consultation
  • Landing Page Optimization Consultation

Individual Partner Demand-Generation Campaigns

As a channel partner, you often base your marketing budget on established agreements with your various technology partners. We will work with you to:

  • Create a marketing strategy that encompasses your full budget and ensures you meet any co-marketing funding requirements for reimbursement.
  • Develop and execute a marketing campaign that ensures you become recognized, known, and trusted in your industry and target market. Because we are a full-service marketing agency, this may include:
    • Outbound calling
    • Digital Marketing
    • SEO
    • Agile Website Development
    • Paid Advertising
    • Content Creation
    • Social Media Support and Training
  • Provide all materials needed for claim reimbursement.

Distributor, OEM, or Manufacturer Demand Generation Campaigns: Partner Lead Pass

We can:

  • Develop and execute an agile campaign that includes a combination of inbound, outbound, paid, social, and digital elements to generate leads that can be passed on to your partner community.
  • Identify partners for participation and establish a process for assigning leads based on partners' skill set, market, or other criteria.
  • Provide partner onboarding and regular checkpoint calls with each participating partner.
  • Monitor lead nurturing and progression to ensure partners are following up on leads.
  • Handle deal registration if needed.
  • Report results regularly.

We help companies build their sales pipeline and grow their bottom line by finding enterprise-level prospects. Since 1999, we have helped generate B2B leads for some of the world's largest companies. Our most effective enterprise campaigns live at the intersection of inbound and outbound marketing. We deploy industry best practices for our lead-generation campaigns.

Enterprise demand generation requires a focused and integrated marketing campaign. Our team of inbound and outbound marketing experts works to build converged marketing campaigns that integrate seamlessly. Organizations of all sizes rely on HBL Power to be the engine that drives their growth.

Enterprise-Level Inbound and Outbound Marketing

HBL Power understands the demands on large and small companies and the enhanced pressures on sales and marketing teams to deliver marketing ROI. We bring together the power of inbound and outbound marketing to build integrated marketing campaigns that meet a variety of client needs.

We pride ourselves on being able to conduct conversations with decision-makers at any management level, from operational managers at small businesses to CEOs of the largest companies in the world.

Telemarketing and Business Development

We guarantee business development into the enterprise through our telemarketing services. Our telemarketing campaigns are built to generate "guaranteed leads." Whether your company lacks a telemarketing arm or you're looking to supplement your inside sales teams efforts for a strategic marketing initiative, we can help.

Lead-Generation Campaigns

Our lead-generation campaigns deliver results. Our Business Development team members make thousands of calls a day. Their aim is to qualify leads by the BANT (Budget, Authority, Needs, and Timeline) criteria and deliver actionable business intelligence to our clients.

Prospecting into large enterprises takes time, patience, and knowledge. Our team knows that persistence is rewarded. We navigate through our contact lists to find the right people to deliver your message to.

Lead Nurturing and Progression Services

We understand that our clients don't always have the time or resources to follow up on every lead. Lead nurturing and progression services are available to help make sure that no lead gets left behind.

"Lead to Win" Management

Also available is an in-house technology sales team that can move BANT-qualified leads through to RFP/Proposal and, if desired, through to close.

Outbound Marketing Services

  • List Generation and Procurement
  • Database Deduplication
  • Database Cleansing
  • Event Support
  • CRM Maintenance
  • Enterprise Creative Services

Digital Marketing Services

We support our enterprise telemarketing campaigns with world-class sales and marketing collateral. The best outbound telemarketing campaigns are aligned with high-quality digital content. We employ a devoted team of inbound marketing experts to help you build visually stunning content and then deliver that content to the right audience.

Digital Offerings

Our digital services include website development and management, search engine marketing, SEO, social media management, paid search advertising (on either the ad Google network or Bing ads), and email marketing. Digital services include SEO, SEM, online media, social media, landing page development, digital advertising, and email marketing.

Content is crucial to online marketing, and our in-house subject matter experts develop compelling blog articles, eBooks, white papers, case studies, and many other content pieces to support your demand generation system.

Print Media

HBL Power can support your traditional print media needs as well. We offer:

  • Dimensional Mail Campaigns
  • Postcard and Executive Letters
  • Print Advertising: Development and Ad Purchasing
  • Tradeshow Collateral
  • Company Brochures
  • Business Card Creation

Find out more about our digital marketing offerings and campaigns.

B2B Channel Lead Management

Successful pipeline management and optimization is the result of using data in a timely and effective manner. Our management systems track and report at the campaign level. We've established processes that enable real-time campaign optimization.

Leave No Lead Behind

With our "leave no lead behind" lead-progression methodology, you'll have the visibility that you need from your partner marketing activities.

Lead Generation

From the moment a lead is uncovered, our team documents the business intelligence gathered on the call. We create a detailed record of the lead and build out a lead report. Leads can be reviewed on an individual level or at the campaign level.

Lead Entry

Once a lead is generated, HBL Power's dedicated leads desk enters leads into your CRM and lead-tracking systems. This gives you more insight into the lead-generation activities.

Lead Tracking

HBL Power's team can provide reporting and tracking of generated leads. This allows leads to be updated as any status changes come through.

Lead Progression

Our systems allow us to retain the leads based on your business needs. HBL Power's Lead-Progression team takes ownership of the lead throughout the sales cycle.

Win Reporting

Complete pipeline visibility gives us the ability to report back channel partner wins to show marketing ROI. We also help partners report previously unreported wins from outside of our systems.