B2B Content Marketing Services

[ Content Marketing Services ]

We've all heard the saying "Content is King." But did you know that 89% of B2B marketers use content marketing to generate leads?

HBL Power specializes in helping companies create content that is optimized to attract target personas.

Content Creation for a Digital World

Digital marketing has changed the way buyers are interacting with brands. Today, buyers are less susceptible to outbound marketing messages. HBL Power helps our clients achieve a competitive advantage by building B2B content that helps entertain and inform prospects, as well as generate leads.

Our SEO, user experience, and content creation experts work with your company to generate offers that attract and convert prospects.

Top-of-the-Funnel Content (TOFU)

Your B2B prospects are just a search query and click away from getting the content they need to inform their purchasing decision. For this reason, HBL Power creates content that is shaped by SEO and persona development. By building content that provides answers to prospects' early-stage searches and questions, you position yourself as a thought leader.

Thought leadership at this awareness stage is important because it establishes trust and builds prospects' confidence in your brand. By not being overly self-promotional, you let prospects know that you're out there to help them when they're ready and assure them that you're not going to pressure them with a hard sell.

Great TOFU content marketing helps bridge the initial trust gap. It can also establish your brand as a credible source of information that prospects will turn to again when they're in the consideration stage.

HBL Power builds remarkable TOFU content in the form of:

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White Papers

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Blog Articles

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Customer Testimonials

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Guides and Tip Sheets

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Middle-of-the-Funnel Content (MOFU)

As prospects move into the consideration stage, they look for offers that more directly highlight your products and services. We help our clients build content that not only helps to inform buyers on the MOFU part of their journey but also bridges the gap between your TOFU and bottom-of-funnel content.

A great content strategy makes the various pieces work together to tell a story. The middle of this story is the glue that holds your marketing workflow together.

We can help you build this piece of the buyer's journey by creating content such as:

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Case Studies

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Sell Sheets

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Competitive Evaluations

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Solution Briefs

Bottom-of-the-Funnel (BOFU)

In the decision stage of the buyer's journey, the prospect should be well-informed about your place in the industry, the services and solutions that you offer, and how you stack up against your competitors.

This is the point in the buyer's journey where prospects are ready to engage directly with your sales team. It's important to make sure that you provide prospects at this stage with a high-quality experience. Your BOFU content and offers will heavily impact their final decision.

Your landing pages should be purpose-built to provide a strong value proposition and get the customer to convert by signing up for:

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Product Trials

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Sales Team Member Follow-Up

Content Strategy Session

HBL Power can help you establish an appropriate content strategy to showcase your go-to-market message. Our experienced team of content marketing, SEO, and UX experts works with you to understand your buyer personas, how they interact with your solutions, and how to convert them into leads. We do this by creating a content plan for every stage of the buyer's journey.


Content That Aligns With Your Brand

Your content should speak to who you are as an organization. That is why HBL Power will work to understand your organization's current go-to-market messages, your current customer base, and your services and solutions.

Our copywriters are not just writers. They are MBAs, technical experts, SEO architects, and - most importantly - marketers. They work hard to bring your brand's unique voice and value proposition to every piece of content they write. We also write copy with SEO in mind, using keywords and phrases that your personas will find and respond to during search.

We work to align world-class copy with cutting-edge design so your messages can be showcased in a clean, crisp, and organized fashion. Our designers build great-looking content that dresses your company for success in the digital marketing age.