Channel Sales and Marketing Workshops

Sharing Our Marketing Expertise Through Workshops

HBL Power offers a series of on-site or extended workshops for your channel partners. These workshops are delivered either by one of our in-house subject matter experts or through our HBL Power Academy.

Digital Marketing 101

1-day On-Site or 6-week Online Course

  • Increase Digital Marketing Skills
  • Build a Digital Marketing Campaign to Execute
  • Share "Best Practices" and "How to Measure Success"

Advanced Digital Marketing 201

1-day On-Site or 6-week Online Course

  • Marketing Goals, What and How to Measure
  • Google Analytics
  • Customer-Centric Content
  • Improving Traffic by Traffic Channels
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • Lead Progression, Nurturing, and Marketing Automation
  • Moving Marketing Results to Sales Wins

Modern Marketing Curriculum 301: HBL Power Academy

4 Courses (6-week Online Course for Each)

  • Social Media X-Training
  • Personas and Content
  • Website/Search/Analytics
  • Closed-Loop Marketing

"I wanted to thank you and HBL Power for the Social Media X-Training and 1v1 workshops you provided to me and my team. The class was very insightful and relevant, especially the one-on-one training. I now feel more confident using LinkedIn and Twitter, and it has helped increase the interactions we are seeing on our corporate website and social media pages. You opened great ways to incorporate social media into our everyday branding and marketing initiatives. I would recommend your class to anyone looking to learn how to more effectively use social media!"

- CEO of a Solution Provider